How about nostr pubkey, isn't it also somehow derived from bitcoin keys?
Yeah nostr keys are BIP 340 keys
Don't think so. You can generate a private key with:
openssl rand -hex 32 > hexprivatekey.txt
Example output to text file: b86bdbc13deb52eb1172e7b2c9821b362r83973efc37cf2ee1cd56ceabdafda8b
You can then use a tool like key-convertr to convert the hex private key into bech32 encoded private key nsec...., if needed.
Here's a more detailed explanation about Nostr keys.
I saw Deezy generating me an onchain address, that looked almost exactly same (except for prefix and last 5 characters) like my nostr npub... while i only logged with Alby and they couldn't see my nsec..
I saw Deezy generating me an onchain address, that looked almost exactly same (except for prefix and last 5 characters) like my nostr npub... while i only logged with Alby and they couldn't see my nsec..