You can now view top posts for a day, week, month, year, or forever! The "switch" for this is in the nav bar at the top and is also available in the dropdown.
More details: we also remember whether you last viewed "top" or "recent" and which "top" interval you last viewed so that if you have a habit it's on average fewer clicks away.
lmk if you have any trouble or think it can be improved. 🍻
Thanks everyone for pushing for it! (Most memorably @neb_b and @nout.)
Thank you :) Pretty cool.
One suggestion I would have is to actually default to the "recent" view as that will imho make more people vote on the recent topics. And I'm saying this even though I probably want to see "top" more often... :)
Oh maybe it's already working like that, or there's some bug? When I go to, then the label says "top", but the items are not sorted by votes.
It's just labeling the button, not the current sort. The sort of the homepage is 'hot.' I kind of intended it as a customizable button which goes to either 'recent' or 'top' depending on what you viewed last. It's not a normal UX pattern but it's what I wanted.
I see. Ok, that's reasonable and probably learnable. :)
Thanks man
This is great- i was going to recommend an option to save listing preference as I find myself using recent most often as a frequent visitor.
You're killing it! 🔥
1 sat \ 1 boost \ 0 replies \ @g4ala 21 Oct 2021
Nice work, thank you.