I think there are two ways to look at it. Of course you could ask for donations and Bitcoin makes it easy because you can receive money from all over the world.
An other way to look at it is that you can show some proof of work by asking yourself: "What could I bring to the Bitcoin community that would make them want to participate and help me?"
You say that you are writing in English but I think we actually need more content in Spanish. So, if you understand Bitcoin, maybe you could share some of the knowledge you have in an accessible way in Spanish so you could help other people understand Bitcoin the way you do?
Hello, I liked your comment and it gave me good ideas, such as the proof of work. I also want to help the children in my court to learn Bitcoin by giving them an explanation of what Bitcoin is with stickers, candies and a letter where it will come "What is Bitcoin?" and answer. And it's also a good idea to have more posts in español :)