Your shirt is backwards, also. I would get your money back.
this territory is moderated
Why? The shirt is only backwards because it's in a mirror and couldn't find the flip setting on my camera..
Oh, I get it. So the shirt is symbolic for the opposite. Clever.
You don't think the history of the African American community in this nation matters or is "American?"
I think you are virtue signalling. You wasted your money. It's superficial. Maybe you are proud of yourself for this achievement.
There are no groups. Individuals are humans and individuals do things by their own merit. Groups are illusions, temporary and are used by central planners to extract wealth from productive people.
Someone sold you an idea and extracted your wealth by appropriating virtue. Dig deeper.
Oh really? So the fact that the U.S. government did group these.people and considered them less than dirt for over 200 years based on their skin color is an illusion to you? You probably think racism doesn't even exist don't you? You probably get mad every February during black history month don't you?
I'm sure that this is a parody account. The person you are angry at is in the mirror.
You're a moron