Like using a chocolate bar as a means of payment. You can break it up into smaller chunks to purchase, and you can get random chunks back when you sell, but once they are separated from the main bar, they don't just stick back to the entire bar. The only way to make them all one bar is to melt it back together with a Coinjoin chocolate bar maker. The excess will be scrapped off and can be Atomic Swapped for future use.
5 sats \ 3 replies \ @xz 6 Jan
Hands down the most useful analogy to my mind.
5 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 6 Jan
Well...there's still the fee of chocolate for the TX. There's no easy analogy IMO
Dad tax is inevitable
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @xz 7 Jan
Good point. I suppose mining and baking with cocoa with butter isn't quite comparable either.