Ha! Just got around to reading this.
Inscriptions aren't real, they're just a collective hallucination. I've been saying basically exactly this since day one, that ordinals and inscriptions are an opt-in lens with which to view Bitcoin. Behaving as if this is some kind of damning revelation makes you look like a moron. Additionally, it shows that you misunderstand one of the most fundamental things about humans, civilization, and culture: Everything important is just social conventions. Bitcoin is, in fact, just a social convention. Or, put another way, it's not the software or data that matter, it's the social conventions around it. Inscriptions are no different.
Preach! Oh it feels so good when other people say it.
This whole thing doesn't go very far in steel-manning the opponents of ordinals, as far as I'm concerned, but it sure does a nice job of destroying certain idiotic takes. Glad I got to it.