pull down to refresh

Basically, you want to monitor the ability of the LND REST API to return data. You need to set up Uptime Kuma on another machine and create a monitor to your node with some specific settings. I'm assuming the two machines involved are on the same local network.
  1. Install Uptime Kuma on a different Umbrel machine via the app store.
  2. Add a new monitor to Uptime Kuma
  3. add this HTTP(s) endpoint: https://{MACHINE_HOST}:8080/v1/getinfo
  4. click ignore Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites
  5. get the hex encoding of your read only macaroon xxd -p -c2000 /path/to/readonly.macaroon
  6. In the HTTP Options under Headers add { "Grpc-Metadata-macaroon": "<hex_encoding>" }
Click save and it should test the endpoint. Afterwards, connect Uptime Kuma to Telegram to get instant notifications about uptime :)
Feel free to ask any questions or offer suggestions to improve the setup.
May also need to checkbox the option for "Ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites" or add your lnd.tls to kuma
What about setting up a third machine to monitor the uptime of the second?
Could have them monitor each other.