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The post discusses the challenges and potential of the Bitcoin Lightning Network, focusing on its evolution and current issues. Initially hailed as a decentralized payment network with cheap transactions and the ability to run personal nodes, the reality has shifted. Many users now rely on custodial wallets instead of self-custodial solutions like Mutiny Wallet, which aims to address these challenges.
The author identifies two major issues with the Lightning Network: channel liquidity and the offline receive problem. Channel liquidity, unique to Lightning, confuses users due to its complexity and inconsistent fee structures, while the offline receive issue arises because users must be online to sign and claim payments. Attempts to solve these problems, like Zeus Pay lightning addresses, have led to more issues, like stuck payments. These challenges make self-custodial Lightning less popular, driving users towards easier, custodial solutions.
Beyond these issues, the post delves into deeper problems like the impact of on-chain fees on channel liquidity and potential solutions like anchor channels and package relay. However, these solutions are not perfect and often require a compromise, like holding on-chain funds for fee bumps. The author suggests that large-scale lightning nodes might be a better focus, given that most users prefer custodial wallets for their simplicity and efficiency. The post concludes by exploring future directions, including the need for soft forks to implement covenants for scaling Bitcoin ownership and the potential of fedimints to dynamically share ownership over a group of UTXOs, offering a promising direction for Bitcoin scaling.
fwiw...i read this summary (and all previous comments, salty or not) and for me, all signs point to banks running custodial LN nodes for KYC'd business customers who expect to receive funds.
That's a great summary