Hey Devs and Hackers! It's time for your daily rendezvous at the Daily Devs Hangout. πŸ› οΈπŸ”—
Pull up your ergonomic chair in our virtual realm and share a slice of your day. From triumphs over complex code, head-scratching bugs that make you wonder why you started coding in the first place - we're all here for it. πŸžπŸ’»
Cracked a tough algorithm? Encountered a Bitcoin brain-teaser? Or perhaps you've got a piece of sage advice that could save a fellow dev's sanity? This is the place to spill.
GM hackers/slackers/stackers πŸ‘‹
I'm finally over my sickness LFG
  • I'm gonna be working on a discord bot for Zaps and implementing nostr wallet auth for a connection option: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/851?ref=blog.mutinywallet.com
  • I will have my Lightning Address Workshop from Saturday edited/cleaned up and posted before EOD
  • Will also be continuing my work on nostr crossposting for stackernews (currently making it to where any item type can be crossposted to nostr) I've got it working now just need to clean some things up
What are you working on today or this week? Any blockers or bugs you're stuck on? Any good lessons learned over the last week?
This was me grinding through my diarrhea last week
GM today I will be centering divs once again
Will check out the ln address workshop once it’s posted
If we used CSS for the American flag