My time behind screens already is high normally, and now that I'm at home with an inflamed heart muscle, it went absolutely balls-to-the-walls.
I practically swap from one screen to another, and it's actually starting to hurt my eyes and giving me an achy body.
I'd like to get to know what tricks you guys are keeping up those sleeves in order to actively shorten the time y'all spend behind screens.
The classic is reading more books, which I'm already working on integrating into my daily routine.
The problem is; what else can I do at home, without having to actively partake in it?
See, I'm not allowed to do any activities like fitness or walks (its cold outside and I can't risk getting sick on top of the above) 'cause of the state of my beloved heart, therefore I'm looking for passive activities, like reading a book :)
Yours sincerely,
  • Fabs.
Some low cost, low intensity, satisfying hobbies you can do at home:
Jigsaw puzzles Japanese origami (paper folding art) Watercolor painting Cooking new recipes Organizing your home to the next level Listening to music and podcasts Stretching / Yoga / Tai Chi
I hope you can recover soon and wishing you offline happiess, healing and health!
Oh Origami! I've done that for a short period of time! It's pretty satisfying making something from a simple piece of paper, and I like Sudokus, too.
Maybe I'll give origami a try again, thanks :)