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this is the guide he wrote couple years back
Not really related, mercurylayer is built by different people / team
Aren't the statechains on which Merculylayer is based a brainchild of Ruben? He may not know about all Mercury's implementation details, but I'd imagine he knows a lot about the protocol.
Oh my bad, just realized Mercurylayer improves a lot on the initial statechain concept. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/mercury-layer-a-massive-improvement-on-statechains
Yes, very much inspired by the work done by Ruben.
@south_korea_ln tagged Ruben, was posting his guide
one of benefits listed in the article, interop with lightning:
By utilizing Statechains, you get to open and close channels off-chain at minimal costs. Is your channel too small? No problem. You can simply transfer your existing channel over to a larger UTXO. This can be particularly powerful considering it’s hard to know ahead of time how much capacity will be needed in a channel. Now you can cheaply experiment, and once you have a stable channel, you could choose to effortlessly move the channel over to the base layer by exiting from the Statechain.
Ruben is doing amazing work for Bitcoin. Very humble, so several of his projects take time to be recognized, but in the long run, I see his ones that require a soft-fork having a higher chance at success than similar ones such as BIP300 that suffer from the toxicity of their promoters.