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I don't know what I think about this, but Solana is a fantastic writer:
For decades — more, probably — American politics and culture ‘evolved’ in one direction. This evolution concluded in Harvard removing portraits that were too white. In IBM punishing executives for hiring too many asians. And in the abolition of “academic merit” at the conceptual level. Proponents of such abhorrent practices assumed the future would carry on apace, as did most detractors, and so mostly no one really fought for control of the “right side of history.” Sure, there was a spicy blog post here and there. But real war? With reputations and fortunes on the line? Why bother if the conclusion was inevitable?
Solana surely has a membership card from the Self-Congratulatory Silicon Valley Intellectuals Society, and you feel a bit of oil on your skin after you read it, but this is something to noodle on for sure.
Spending less and less time on twitter has afforded me the opportunity to completely forget about Mike Solana until now and be able to read his thoughtful blog without the overhang of oily skin.
That approach has much to recommend it, sir. I'm still kind of reeling from this.
I hear you. That was a great convo.