If anyone wants to donate to my goal to open a lightning channel with a starting capacity of 200k sats, tip me on here or you can send sats to amuna1225@ln.tips. Something I really want to do to help lightning grow, and I don't have the funds to put in myself so I'm taking donations. Currently I have 72408 sats towards my goal!
I vaguely remember that there was some website/Service (I don't remember exactly) that would open a channel to anyone with only outbound channel liquidity on their side to everyone for free^TM.
Anyone remember what I'm talking about here?
zerofeerouting would open channels for as little as 8,000 sats. But you are renting the liquidity and may have to pay 8000 again later. If you had enough sats yourself you would not have to pay this rent when opening a channel because you could just use your own. Just saying
Sounds like a bad deal exploiting poor people
To be fair anything that costs money sounds like it exploits poor people.
But Wallet of Satoshi is an option if you want free liquidity. WoS need to earn money tho, so it probably isnt free if taking a closer look.