If you implement crossposting, please don't put duplicate posts in the feed. It makes more sense to be a one-to-many system, not many-to-many.
It's interesting to think about how this should work. I'd say it should show up in it's most recent spot out of the territories you haven't muted. Does that make sense?
I think that's roughly how my nostr feed handles reposts.
I'm not sure if I understand correctly. A simple solution would be, if you're on the "home" feed, show the post if it's in at least one territory that isn't muted.
I agree for the "home" feed (and "top"). I was thinking about how to handle cross posts in the "recent" feed.
Exactly the same way as hot and top. In the "home" feed, we can choose hot, recent, top. Just don't repeat the post. The front-end part seems simple, but then you have the zaps distribution.
Fun problem for the dev team.
I've started several different replies with what I thought were the "obvious" solutions, before seeing problems with them and starting over.
Could be an interesting solution definitely.
i agree there is going to be a good way of doing collaborative territory posts, but post duplications probably isnt the way. we shall see what the devs come up with.