I think that copyright material SHOULD be used as training data. Fight me.
Try to regulate it... just try! The result is worse AI.. and for what?!
Also, no government regulation can stop me from fine-tuning an open-source model in my garage on the DRM-free books and movies and music and artwork that I already own! Then I can release the weights on BitTorrent. Yeah, try to do something about that. You can't. Maybe you stop me, but you won't stop the thousands of people around the world doing the same thing.
It's just like bitcoin. You can try to fight it, but you'll lose. The faster we embrace this the better. Copyright laws may just be incompatible with AI technology. I'm honestly tired of people bringing this up. Just ignore the litigious dinosaurs, keep your head down, keep studying bitcoin, keep studying AI and use all the technology and knowledge at your fingertips to improve your life and build things.