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Interesting, huh? Failing at the starting line, I really managed to do just that.
As I've told y'all, I'd start-off my "journey-to-brightness" with Viktor E. Frankl's "Man's search for meaning", and well... It just ain't for me.
See, the way it's written, the words used... It's just written in the "old-school academic way", which simply doesn't "stick" with me. I can read all I want, but it just doesn't make all that much sense to me, I don't see what he's trying to tell me.
Ofcourse this doesn't mean that it's a bad book per se, but if the above ain't your thing either, give it a second thought before you buy.
Anyways. The start may have been a bit compromised due to a badly picked book, but don't you worry, for I've gotten the second-first book ready already!
We will scrap Frankl's book as #1, and make Noah Juval Harari's book "Sapiens" be book #1 to start this journey off with, cool? Cool.
Thanks for your understanding, and remember to include me in your prayers.