Lightning has offered a path to massively improve the scalability of transactions conducted using Bitcoin, but has offered no meaningful path to scaling the ownership of coins on the network. CTV opens the door to addressing that missing piece of the scaling puzzle.
Its a nice writeup and I think CTV is interesting from a theoretical perspective, however these types of statements give me pause:
This means that at any point in the chain of transactions unfurling on-chain to actually turn the vUTXOs into real UTXOs where you can get every participant in an intermediate UTXO to coordinate with each other, everyone can simply cooperatively sign a transaction moving their coins where they want to go in a more efficient way
I have no idea how you coordinate "everyone can simply sign a transaction" - or does he mean "each participant can simply sign a transaction independently" ?
Yeah great point! It’s good to look at different options but they have to be feasible and sustainable for sure!
πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† How scalling ? It depends on layer 1