This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Stacker News had a record number of site visitors on Wednesday.
They broke that record on Thursday, then broke that record again on Friday.
Probably nothing.
From June 27th coinbase will ask people who are withdrawing for a name and physical adress of the destination they are withdrawing to. This is because of new local regulations. In my opinion thats the regulators squeezing too hard and now the peer 2 peer buying and selling of BTC will get a big boost.
i doubt the people who still use coinbase will use p2p soon
I might be going to BBB :)
Does anyone know who the Wallet of Satoshi guys are? Would an AMA be a good idea?
That'd be awesome. I don't know who they are though.
I don’t think it’s even open source is it?
It's not but an AMA would still be nice.