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22,524 sats stacked
stacking since: #4778longest cowboy streak: 1
The real and only Pony. Artist and a Unicorn and Alicorn (https://falloutequestria.fandom.com/wiki/Alicorn) Supremacist. https://ponybooru.org/profiles/Psychoshy_bc1
What does alicorn supremacy entail?
It means that they are the "best" Pony race as they have the abilities from all 3 races combined. Also i find them really hot tbh. Especially the blue ones.
"Alicorns as their name suggests, embody the best traits of all three pony species. They have access to Unicorn magic on a much higher tier, pegasus wings and weather manipulating abilities and Earth Pony endurance."
Also i find them really hot tbh.
I really don't want to kinkshame but ... Uhm what
well at least my kinks doesn't hurt anybody xD
Welcome aboard!