Large Language Models+Large Action Models
Personally i have an idea to hack a seedsigner into one of these running my own models on my start9 node.
Just need LTE (but could connect via phone) and it would be self sovereign.
I dont want to live in a custodied AI world. I need my own AI to keep my data private.
Color me sceptical. I think by version 3 it will be killer tho. But not yet
This allows it to do things like play music, buy groceries, and send messages through a single interface without having to use your phone.
Nah. This is what apple watched promised. Finally got rid of mine and dont miss it. It did these half assed.
I'm into it, seems to be splitting feelings on X. I like that people are trying to build something different. I am hoping these 15 years of glass rectangles (phones) disintermediates into various form factors of cool gadgets. Viva la future.