33 sats \ 1 reply \ @9 14 Jan
“Lightning node runners can become RoboSats coordinator in the federation, given they gain the trust of the users. The coordinators host the full infrastructure needed for the p2p trades, they route the lightning payments, they solve the disputes, and much more.” This is pretty cool!
Bullish on what lightning node runners can become
i got burnt for 30k sats today on robosats… wanted to buy, clicked on a «buy» listing and locked the bond… no way to cancel cooperativley without locking in sats for the complete trade. watch out folks! great platform regardless
Robosats continues to impress 🤙
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I started using Robosats a few weeks ago. Must've made about 8 or so purchases so far and it's been really good. Wish I started using it sooner! Screw KYC getting leaked and dodgy exchanges.