The state's social security system has significantly weakened families and led to a decline in reproduction rates. By assuming responsibilities such as old-age and health insurance, the state has diminished the family's role, eroding its importance as the cornerstone of society. This has also created a culture of dependency, consolidating the state's power and undermining individual freedom.
Furthermore, the expanding welfare state and increasing state debt demonstrate the state's growing involvement in citizens' lives, which can lead to a reduction in individual freedom and responsibility. The social security system has become a threat to the traditional family structure and individual freedom. It is essential to refocus on family strengthening, reduce state interventionism and find back to a path of self-sovereignty. Bitcoin is an important tool that can be integrated into every family's finance as an anchor of independence. It's a message of hope in a statist nightmare!
Do the European welfare systems have direct penalties for two-parent households?
For sure they will soon
We've had them for 50 years, so American family destruction can serve as glimpse of your future.
Wonderful. At least we have the best wine on earth to forget about this mess...
I entered bitcoin in 2019 and thought it was early, I still think it is in 2024, seeing the level of ignorance that still exists about bitcoin, we are super early.
I always wonder can people think we would have onboarded 1% of global population. That's rediculous.