There's an article about this survey on The Block which was posted, here on SN, separately:
Mastercard survey says 51% of Latin American consumers have crypto experience | The Block #38856 <-- An archive, which can be easier to read
51% of consumers in the region have already made a transaction with cryptoassets and more than a third say they have made a payment for an everyday purchase with stablecoin, reveals Mastercard's New Payments Index 2022, a survey conducted between March and April of this year among more than 35,000 people around the world.
Mastercard's New Payments Index 2022 reveals that 86% of Latino consumers have used at least one emerging payment method in the past year. While 77% of Americans and 74% of Europeans prefer traditional payment methods to newer ones, Latinos are willing to use emerging methods such as biometrics, digital currencies and QR code, in addition to contactless payments.
People under 40 and millennials are more likely to perceive emerging digital solutions as secure. While they still use them, people who grew up in traditional banking are more wary, which is - for all players in the payments chain - an opportunity to build trust.