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28 sats
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15 Jan 2024
on: Their Money, Bitcoin and Your Emotions! What you gonna do about it?
Here below the questions of our survey:
How much do you earn annually before taxes (in $ USD)? ie. gross income
What describes you best?
Who is supported by your income?
How did your parent/caregiver or early community talk about money?
How financially secure would you say your parent/caregiver or community was?
Which best describes your early experience with money?
Which best describes you during your teenage years?
Did you study or apprentice in any of the following?
Do you have a student loan?
Do you have a clear overview of your finances?
Do you have financial goals?
How much of your income goes to your rent/housing?
Do you save 10% of your income or more for financial goals?
Do you know where your money goes each month?
Is negotiating/asking for a raise easy for you?
Which do you feel best describes you?
How would you rate your financial literacy?
What are you most afraid of?
When has money empowered you?
What emotion do you most associate with money?
Do you find yourself comparing what you have with others?
Do you know how much your friends make in real figures?
Which issue/s impact you the most in your work life:
Have you ever been offered exposure, instead of money, in return for work?
Because it’s us: Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the price of Bitcoin?
this territory is moderated
100 sats
Here below the questions of our survey: