I totally relate to what you wrote here. Started to get frustrated that I couldn't really speak intelligently on most of the books I'd been reading, even though I felt like they impacted me while I read them.
I think in some way they still do leave an imprint, even if I can't remember details, but vague impressions aren't what I'm after either.
I'm still figuring this out and you're right it's really easy to intend to come back and read highlights and never get around to it. What I'm doing now is doing the reread after I finish a chapter, that way it actually happens.
Curious what tools you use for your reviews? I've been using Readwise for a long time and I like it a lot, but what it surfaces is fairly random.
Curious what tools you use for your reviews? I've been using Readwise for a long time and I like it a lot, but what it surfaces is fairly random.
It's an ornate and bespoke toolchain, but it basically has Anki at the heart of it. A lot of people obsess over the scheduling algorithm (in fact, some are obsessing about it today) but it's more than good enough for my weird use case.
This sounds intriguing. I use Anki for Spanish now but have daydreamed about the power it could have for reading retention. It's always seemed daunting to figure out how to build a system to make this a smooth process but I guess these things are created brick by brick.
Consider doing a write up here on your system sometime? I'm sure many could get a ton of value from it.
Actually maybe I'll do a bounty post about this and try to crowdsource the methods stackers use for knowledge management. Seems like the problem of our time, how to best use the ridiculous amount of information we're all exposed to now.