Welcome! I teach English in middle school, how about you? xP
Tech guy for a Pre-8th non-profit private school, mostly teach the staff, but also 5th-8th elective classes starting way back in the day with "create a multi-media cd-rom" type stuff and then I found bitcoin in 21 and started operation orange pill - I must create the sovereign school 😀 This is my first year getting to teach an "Intro to Bitcoin" class and I got 2 kids semester 1 (so glad I didn't get skunked) and this semester I've got 4, with 1 returning. I immediately promoted my returning kid to TA ha. I have visions of a FediMint circular economy on the campus with the snackShack taking sats and s9 space heaters rolling out (got lots of solar on campus) and a never ending list of more cool stuff. A guy can dream right?
Is your school a place where you can get your orange pill on?
Woah that’s so inspiring to read. Especially the part about how you can run a Bitcoin introductory course.
Unfortunately, Bitcoin is still viewed with suspicion in Singapore, so I don’t care to go in-depth. I only showed my students how they can use the Cointiply faucet haha