Remember the Bitcoin pizza artwork from 2022? [ ] I envisioned the emotions of Laszlo, who bought a pizza for 10,000 Bitcoins. Hour by hour, after my therapy sessions, I crafted the sequel – 'Bitcoin Pizza Day 2022.'
Now, presenting my artwork from last year, 'Bitcoin Pizza Day 2023!' This piece speaks volumes, capturing the essence of that pivotal Bitcoin purchase. The first Bitcoin pizza changed the game, marking the beginning of a new era.
Included with this artwork is a comic page featuring five panels dedicated to Bitcoin Pizza Day. There, I try to portray and imagine what happens on this day, making it a tradition to create a new pizza day artwork each year.
Artwork sized 39.4x45cm (15.5x17.7 inches, including the frame).
I've also taken another step by combining this physical artwork with the Liquid Network, and I've created an L-NFT (L for Liquid). You can auction or sell your physical piece or showcase it on the very first NFT marketplace built on Bitcoin, Raretoshi, via the Liquid network.
There were already some ways to create NFTs on Bitcoin, but there wasn't any marketplace with an interface like Raretoshi. Let's see where it goes.

art thread on bitcointalk:
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Nice, thanks for sharing