What do you think are the killer apps today for people not interested in crypto? (thus I am excluding most of defi, because only crypto natives use it) I would say they are btc for censorship resistant MOE and SOV, and stable coins. Stable coins because in fact most people in the world want the $ not btc. LN will become a killer app, but most non crypto people will not know they are using LN in the background. but I don't think we are there yet. what do you think? Outside of these 2 use cases, most of crypto is a solution in search of a problem in the western world outside these 2 use cases, btc, stable coins and LN as a payment network, but in the future, when ln is more built out
It's a killer app, but it's not an app, it's Stacker News. Tell your friends.
I agree stacker news
Kinda hard to translate, pardner. I don't speak shitcoin.