(this is not the full speech, this is excerpts from the simultaneous translation)
Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Today I'm here to tell you that the Western world is in danger. And it is endangered because those who are supposed to defend the values of the West are co-opted by a vision of the world that inexorably leads to socialism and thereby to poverty.
Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste, the main leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. We're here to tell you that collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world. Rather, they are the root cause....
Given the dismal failure of collectivist models and the undeniable advances in the free world, socialists were forced to change their agenda. They left behind the class struggle based on the economic system, and replaced this with other supposed social conflicts, which are just as harmful to life as a community and to economic growth.
The first of these new battles was the ridiculous and unnatural fight between man and woman.... All that this radical feminism agenda has led to is greater state intervention to hinder the economic process, giving jobs to bureaucrats who have not contributed anything to society. Examples: ministries of women or international organizations devoted to promoting this agenda.
Another conflict introduced by socialists is that of humans against nature, claiming that we human beings damage the planet, which should be protected at all costs, going as far as advocating for population control mechanisms or the bloody abortion agenda.
Unfortunately, these harmful ideas have taken a strong hold in our society. Neo-Marxists have managed to co-opt the common sense of the Western world, and this they have achieved by appropriating the media, culture, universities....
The case of Argentina is an empirical demonstration that no matter how rich you may be or how much you may have in terms of natural resources, or how skilled your population may be or educated, or how many bars of gold you may have in the central bank, if measures are adopted that hinder the free functioning of markets, free competition, free price systems, if you hinder trade, if you attack private property, the only possible fate is poverty....
Today, states don't need to directly control the means of production to control every aspect of the lives of individuals, with tools such printing money, debt, subsidies, controlling the interest rate, price controls, and regulations to correct so-called market failures. They can control the lives and fates of millions of individuals....
A good deal of the generally accepted political [positions] in most Western countries are collectivist variants, whether they proclaim to be openly communists, fascists, Nazis, socialists, social Democrats, National Socialists, Democrat Christians, or Christian Democrats.
They are neo-Keynesians, progressive, populist, nationalist or globalists at bottom. There are no major differences. They all say that the state should steer all aspects of the lives of individuals. They all defend a model contrary to the one that led humanity to the most spectacular progress in its history.
We have come here today to invite the rest of the countries in the Western world to get back on the path of prosperity, economic freedom, limited government...and unlimited respect for private property....
The impoverishment produced by collectivism is no fantasy, nor is it an inescapable fate. But it's a reality that we Argentines know very well. We have lived through this. We have been through this because, as I said earlier, ever since we decided to abandon the model of freedom that had made us rich, we have been caught up in a downward spiral, as part of which we are poorer and poorer day by day....
In concluding, I would like to leave a message for all businesspeople here and for those who are not here in person but are following from around the world. Do not be intimidated, either by the political caste or by parasites who live off the state. Do not surrender to a political class that only wants to stay in power and retain its privileges.
You are social benefactors. You are heroes. You're the creators of the most extraordinary period of prosperity we've ever seen. Let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral. If you make money, it's because you offer a better product at a better price, thereby contributing to general well-being.
Do not surrender to the advance of the state. The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself. You are the true protagonists of this story and rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch, unconditional ally.
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305 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 18 Jan
This seems consistent with other things he's said. I know people don't like the venue, but showing up to Davos with a hot take is ballsy and should activate other dissenters. Changing politics from the inside has to be an easier job than changing it from the outside.
Yes. And by going there and saying it at the WEF, he is making it easier for to others who think the same way but were too afraid to say it, to come out and say it too
The enemy of my enemy can still be a dumbass
Today, states don't need to directly control the means of production to control every aspect of the lives of individuals, with tools such printing money, debt, subsidies, controlling the interest rate, price controls, and regulations to correct so-called market failures. They can control the lives and fates of millions of individuals....
The printing money part is what Central banks all over the world keep doing
Would of loved to be at Davos to hear that Live...
you would have to act so proper to get in. lol
Well, this potentially bites the argument he's in cahoots with the WEF folks in the butt
he is pro mRNA "vaxx" experiment pro-lockdown yada yada
Where is your proof?
111 sats \ 0 replies \ @okpj 18 Jan
They made it up.
Such an amazing speech
Lip service? Hmm.. if he keeps principled, stays humble. He's the least worst by a mile.
Now, east does capitalism with a veneer of socialism and west does socialism with a veneer of capitalism. Both do capitalism on the way up, socialism on the way down.
What's not to like about this guy.
He has appointed guys from big banks, has met with the IMF a ton. Waiting on actions!
The state is not the solution. The state is the problem itself.
Beautiful. I don't know how one can study history and conclude otherwise.
Well he hit the nail on the head,
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