I don't think you are inherently opposed
Correct, it's just inconvenient.
I suspect you just see that as bringing additional challenges that you don't know how to overcome.
At least for the challenges I'm immediately concerned with, I know how to overcome them.1 However atomic splits done this way require each intermediate recipient have:
  • incoming liquidity equivalent to
    • their share of the payment
    • the shares of recipients later in the route
  • outgoing liquidity equivalent to
    • the payment shares of recipients later in the route
In addition to being reliably online.


  1. I think about this problem in the context of taking an SN-like sybil fee, ie a third party verifying a payment happened and taking a fee without additional interaction from the sender and receiver. The third party can do this by "wrapping" a bolt11 from the destination in a hold invoice paid to itself. This would work for multiple third parties too with each wrapping the bolt11 of one of the other third parties.