Great post! I had been planning one in my head on why to zap big and zap often (and, as @ekzyis reminds me, zap early), but you nailed it. Also, you may have helped me finally get nostr cross posting setup correctly.

Zapping is Win-Win-Win

  • You win via greater rewards
  • The creator wins via the zap
  • Stacker News wins by increasing the signal for readers and incentives for creators
and zapping the GOOD stuff EARLY is the hack to earn trust!
earn trust and bigger rewards (I think)
Every stacker has a global trust score. Rewards use these global trust scores which factor in the PoV of everyone; Ranking of posts/comments use local trust scores when they're available, ie you're logged in and have a significant affinity for another stacker's zap taste as indicated by your zapping.