Like Warren Buffet or Charlie Munger, I think he's intelligent, but for some reason there's a tick in his brain that disallows him from "getting it." By "getting it," I'm referring mostly to the hard money properties of bitcoin and main use case of value storage over time.
As others have said he is invested in not getting this part.
As far as understanding bitcoin mechanics. I think it is his arrogance.
He said the 21,000,000 supply cap might actually not be finite (how do we know?) and that Satoshi (mispronounced) might just pop back up (in 100 years) and wipe out all the bitcoin. Umm...okay.
That statement about supply shows he has not even tried to understand how it works or listened to anyone that understands it.
Oh course code can be changed. I could change the code. The supply. He is so ignorant that he think Satoshi has some secret power over the network. I really don't fault him for not getting this part. But, if I didn't get bitcoin on this basic level I sure would not be talking about it in media.
I look forward to the day when no one cares what this scum bag says.