Hi, B_Bc!
Thanks for sharing! Never easy putting yourself out there for the world to see, huh? I swear the more you post, the easier it gets.
Is there any reason that pushed you to post this after six months? Is it like a 2024 resolution kinda thing or was it a spur-of-the-moment thingy? I’m curious to know.
Keep sharing!
Man, that was truly tough, like an outcome :D
I believe I posted my orange pill story as a debut to the community after staying quiet and learning for the past 20 months. But before my head explodes from all that, I have to open my mouth.
This has nothing to do with a New Year's resolution kind of thing. I think that's overrated as hell.
Cool. I will be really interested to know about the Bitcoin situation in Germany. I only know that Frankfurt has the highest concentration of BTC nodes in the world
You gave me a topic, so i made my second post about it ;)
Thanks for obliging me! Made my morning xP