This is all good and fair - I would not suggest you play games constantly but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
I've played plenty of games. Games with people in person are good. Video games are something you do when you don't know what to do and they are a trap. It's like people who spend 300 dollars a month on cable, Internet, satellite, premium channels.... To save money.
That being said, I can only judge that for me there are way to many useless activities that I have wasted time on and I've lost that time. This includes sitting on the toilet "multitasking". It's really bad for your health to do this. Just shit and get on with something else. Yes, I've been this guy who (as I sit on my couch) have done unproductive work.
It's a good discussion. Thank you for introducing it. People disagree with me all day long. So what you think is best and if you get to a standstill refer back to this and change course.
Happy Trails.