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No need to despair. If you look at history we are not alone. I have children, grandchildren and no one is doing it all perfect and right. The real peace is inside and the outside is a reflection so it means that we start where we are and not where we want to be. The journey is the destination. All humans act regardless of inaction or action. Same time spent and the same energy expended or wasted.
The lesson everyone will learn is that we are responsible for our actions. Our actions produce results. The results are our ownership. No one can steal your action. This is why Karma (literally work) is so important to serious teachers of spirit and appropriated by scammers who define it as a mystical concept.
Start looking at the meaning of all words we have. Look at the roots. Look at the symbols. The truth is out there and it is resonating inside. Government means mind control. Govern (Gubern < Kubern = steer) and (Ment < mental < mentis = mind). Who's controlling my mind? Me or someone else?