I live in the US and believe it’s one of if not the best country in the world. Yet look at the depression rates of those being treated, many aren’t. My wife included. People need perspective globally and historically to see how good they have it! Bitcoin is hope to fix a broken dollar and broken world. It is the ultimate freedom money!
I had depression at times myself, fortunately endurance running which pumps endorphins into my system has been my anti depressant. It’s a free drug, but requires proof of work, unlike the chart below!
Anyone struggling, please reach out to our awesome global team of Stackers here! We are building something amazing, and you are not alone!
SN helps us get connected with like-minded souls so that we feel belonged to a tribe. Feeling connected helps us manage depression because we know that we matter.
Your words matter xP
At No Agenda the phrase is, "Connection is Protection." No Agenda has meat space, IRL, meetups all of the planet! We also have IRC for live shows, mastodon and if course during the show producers send in birthday, anniversary, business and life notes with the donation recognition period.
Thank you for sharing this. Try to ignore the data. You are not a statistic. You are a human being and this life belongs to you and your wife. Work together as a team. Never expect love, only give it.
Get a notebook and write down things by hand. This gives you power. Learn to watch your breathing. When you write, write down solutions that you can do. Get your wife to do this, too. It doesn't have to be personal. Once you realize no one gives a damn about your notebook it gets even better!
Do you suggest tearing out the pages once you are done or keeping them in your journal so you can look back at them and laugh?
Reflection is good. Once you become attach to how great you are, then a burning is in order. If you actually write stuff that may benefit someone else, keep it. Do the work first and see what the results bring by reflection later.
Great thoughtful advice, thanks! Yes that has helped I got her some nice notebooks recently and she’s also a distance runner. It’s a tough life phase for burnout for us. Both working full time and we have two joint boys. Thanks again, stack on!