You can run Home Assistant on a Pi (or other computer) and then look into what cameras, etc, work with that. There are tons of utilities you can install once you’re up and running.
This. Don't trust somebody else to host your cameras, and don't trust that they'll keep working forever if you aren't running the server yourself. These companies have a history of rug pulling their users in various ways.
Any recommended videos or YouTube channels for assistance in setting up?
I think this is the video I first used to help me get setup
Also read the Getting Started Section on the HA website.
From there, you can look into which Home Assistant Integrations you might want to use, and start to plot how you'll get up and running.
Some notes:
  • it is very flexible, which also means it takes some effort to get things working
  • some of the integrations still send out to the internet, so keep an eye on that