The new UI took me a little bit to get used to, but overall functionality of the app seems significantly improved. For instance, in the past I often ran into the problem when trying to play a podcast that it would take 5+ seconds before it would start to play, and occasionally I'd wait indefinitely and it just wouldn't work. Now it seems to consistently play pretty much immediately, which is VERY much appreciated.
Boosting episodes and liking comments is addicting. I haven't delved into creating clips yet, but I do occasionally appreciate listening to those that others have created, especially if it's a topic that I'm interested in from a podcast that I don't already listen to. If you like bitcoin content, there's a LOT of it on Fountain but there's plenty of other stuff, too. With time and a bit more refinement, I can see lots of podcast users (and creators) migrating to Fountain.
The opportunity to listen to promoted podcasts to earn is also pretty cool: creators can pay to boost their show and listeners can get paid for listening to something they otherwise might not listen to. It's a great incentive to find new content, even if I'm not always interested in the particular podcast or subject that it's covering.
I have a 50-minute commute so I usually listen to Fountain on my way to and from work. On the rare occasion that I cannot find an episode I want to listen to on Fountain, I listen to audiobooks. (I recently started Lyn Alden's "Broken Money," and it's outstanding.) My commute has become far less frustrating as I focus more on consuming useful information and less on the idiotic behavior of certain drivers. Rather than trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible, it feels like time well-spent that would otherwise be wasted. All of which has the positive benefit of encouraging me to take my time and drive slower, saving me money on gas. So Fountain is actually benefiting me beyond just paying me sats for listening!
Just take my sats haha
218 sats \ 1 reply \ @rarson 22 Jan
Thanks! You're my first SN zap!
Wow. I feel so honoured