pull down to refresh

In thinking how to increase the Value-4-Value aspects of this site, I think that SN could be a natural fit for Tech help....particularly attracting technically knowledgeable people who would prefer to actually be paid rather than get meaningless "accolade badges" next to their username.
A helpful addition would be if, in addition to the zap button there was a green check mark "right answer" button. This button should cost significantly more than the zaps (1000?).
The idea is pretty simple....its sorta like an adhoc fiverr, but for tech support. Having a confusing problem with your nginx server? Make a post and when you find the solution click the "Solution" button and it marks that answer green and charges 1000 sats.
Have you seen the 'bounty' post type? It works roughly like you describe.
Ahhh! Excellent. Don't know how I missed that.