the way that some people fill holes of ours, make us more complete by being unlike us
I think that is the secret to great interpersonal relationships....husband/wife type of thing...
You need to find someone who's differences are complimentary, not clashing. But there needs to be real differences, and you should try to learn from their strengths and vice-versa. The things they are good at you should try to take tips from them on...
The biggest mistake young people make in finding a mate, is to look for someone "just like me". We do that because its comfortable. We understand what makes that person tick and we understand their world-view. That makes it easier to start the relationship, but long-term is not as healthy.
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That’s really great advice. My MBTI profile is ENFP. While my wife has never taken the MBTI test before, I am willing to wager that hers is ISTJ - the exact opposite of mine.
But even when your personalities are contrasting, you must have similar values towards the bigger things like life, like money management, conflict resolution, how you want to raise your kids etc. My wife and I have never argued about money!