Hey all! Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this site, but wondering what we can do to grow this community and stimulate more users and discussion here, ultimately to help grow the greater lightning + bitcoin community. Any ideas? Where do other bitcoiners congregate? Relatively new to the BTC space and this is actually my first time using lightning.
(apologizes to @k00b if this post is out of place)
need official weekly stacker.news twitter spaces/discord stages
Not out of place at all! I appreciate it hugely
I plan to open "source" our analytics next week so we can all kind of engage with them but we surprisingly have quite a few lurkers on the site. We are averaging >100 unique visitors/day which is 10x more than I thought!
@k00b image and video previews, like old reddit with RES, would go a long way. Tweet previews, etc.
idea no.1
I've added Stacker News to Hacker News so you can upvote it on there :P https://news.ycombinator.com/newest
Decentralised marketing seems to work pretty well. i.e. do what you want to do, use your current networks!
Twitter is a vibrant place for Bitcoin discussion & congregation. Bitcoin podcasts (e.g. What Bitcoin Did, TFTC, Stephan Livera) are good to see what's going on in the wider world.
I came to Stacker News because I'm interested in lnurl-auth and it's listed in the examples section: https://github.com/fiatjaf/awesome-lnurl
I think lnurl-auth, lnurl-pay & lnurl-withdrawal is well implemented on here and it is a good example for anyone wanting to try out a Bitcoin Lighning wallet.
Wondering what else might be useful for stimulating discussions that we could borrow from other forums/subreddits/FB- daily/weekly random discussion threads? stand ups or intro threads for new members? cryptotrading / TA threads on price speculation?