Should people use Liquid more?
I'm a big fan of Liquid, I think in a lot of cases the tradeoffs are much better than Lightning. Self-Custody without running a complex server app, for example.
I actually find it kind of odd that bitcoiners are all-in on lightning and barely ever use/discuss liquid. Am I missing something?
I don’t know as much about Liquid as I should.
One of the most interesting parts of Lightning to me is that there seems to be real traction that accelerates every month across dozens of apps and wallets.
Where can I go to see some of the emerging apps being built on Liquid?
I poked around a little bit and I can't find much. TDex is a decentralized exchange that might be interesting. People are also doing shitcoins and NFTs on liquid.
But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about 1) the bitcoin circular economy, and 2) HODLing. And especially people who like to do both. It is basically like on-chain bitcoin but faster and more private, and the trade-off is the risk that a majority of the 50 entities in the federation decide to attack you.
Compare that with running a lightning node. Not custodial lightning, but running a node. Huge pain in the ass, and privacy is still mediocre.
Fedimints may blow all of this out of the water. We shall see.
Found one project building on Liquid that looks pretty interesting.
I genuinely, don't even know how to use liquid
Does one require the permission of the side layer to send your bitcoin back to the blockchain?