How's life as a pseudonymous personality? Ever feel pressured to come out? Do close friends know who you are?
Edit: seeing this was asked before so i will just observe we're nearing 69420 sats tipped and bow out :P
Ever feel pressured to come out?
Sometimes. It was hard (and felt weird) to not show my face to JBP, for example, since he was (and still is) such an important person in my life.
It would also be nice to have a "proper" name sometimes, since people will not tend to cite you or mention you in "serious" conversations if you are a nym. I didn't pick my nym carefully, so if I'd do it again, I'd go with a "Firstname Lastname" style nym.
But it could be worse, it could be poopfeast420 instead of dergigi.
Not Gigi, but I for one have a love/hate relationship with my Reddit nyms. I've had some damn amazing jokes and comments, and even original memes that have made it to the top of r/all.
But I can't personally cash in on my internet fame without de-anonymizing myself. And I won't do that because I often post thoughts and opinions that could be socially dangerous to attach to my real world identity.