"It might feel as if the promised future is perpetually out of reach, but building Lightning is a lot like climbing a mountain. Climbers never really see the summit until they’re standing on top of it. They often can’t even see over the next ridge. Planning the ascent is important, but most of the time you’re simply concentrating on the next foothold. But the steps add up. Just like the view from the top is the reward for all that effort, a brighter monetary future will be our reward for building the network bit by bit. That’s how Lightning has progressed from an idea to a functioning bitcoin payment network, and it’s how we’ll reach our destination."
Beautiful but real analogy my friend. Thank you for your illuminating creation with this post.
Hi @roy. Someone told me here about Breez. First it looked nice to me, then I tried to receive some Sats from here into my Breez wallet, just to test it. I wanted to send 3000 sats and the fee is 2926 sats... So, if I do this operation, I will spend of fee almost the entire amount... 🙈
I am trying to understand what is this LN technology good for...?! It looks like a big nonsense! I've even dreamed we'll have one day mass adoption of Bitcoin and Sats, but that day is to far away from me, at least... 🤔 🤕
However, happy developing and I hope one day fees will be normal. Success and all the best!