Here, for fun, what ChatGPT suggests if I ask it to rewrite it, without changing the tone.
The notion that AI is usurping human jobs holds water, but only to a certain degree. So far, it’s really only excelled in handling mundane tasks. Take my experience, for instance: when writing a paper, I'm still the one organizing my thoughts, crunching the numbers, penning the content, and only then, perhaps, I might turn to ChatGPT to polish the narrative. Otherwise, it’s prone to churning out hollow marketing spiel rather than solid science. Speaking of which, it’s quite adept at assisting with grant applications. So, the takeaway is this: if you’re not keen on mastering these digital tools, aim for roles where AI is merely an aide. Yet, in those fields too, the individual with superior tools is a superior competitor. This concept isn’t novel; it’s been a constant in the market—a realm that continuously evolves, favoring those who adapt. AI has merely accelerated this market transformation, more so than previous technological shifts.
I'd probably modify it futher as some parts are different from what I intended to convey, but overall, it improved it quite well.
But no prompt can write all the subtleties of the initial text without writing a very detailed prompt nearly analogous to the initial text.