Interesting to see more and more of this kind of services pop up, with Lightning present from Day 1. Of course it makes a lot of sense, and it would almost seem absurd today to launch something like that without Lighting support, but that wasn't the case just 1-2 years ago.
A side note. Taken from their website:
Customers pay you from their wallet directly to yours
I know it's just wording, but if the service takes a 1% cut, then it's clearly not directly from the customer's wallet to yours. It's instant, automatic withdrawal to your wallet at best.
There's a clear tension between services that offer instant automatic withdrawals to your own wallet and can charge their fee before performing the withdrawal ; and services like Zaprite that don't want to be in charge of your funds at any point, and thus can't take a fee on each transactions and hence have to rely on charging a monthly subscription. My guess is they don't address the same market, and the Zaprite model starts to make sense when you begin to see steady cahsflow in sats going through.