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333 sats \ 7 replies \ @cryotosensei 26 Jan 2024 \ on: Stacker Saloon
Ronald Dahl wrote in his “Danny, the Champion of the World” book that dads must be spunky.
Alas, I’m anything but spunky.
After using the loo, my son pulled all the toilet paper from the rack. From his perspective, he must have found it fun to see the long paper strewn all over the floor. But I was unamused.
I wish I could have focused on the humour on it but bottom line was, I didn’t want to do it again. Without losing my cool, I stated that I was angry and yanked the toilet paper roll off the rack because I didn’t think my wife would want to use it anymore anyway. I just thought it was a waste of resources.
He must have taken me seriously because he said sorry to me. He hardly does that to me. Sorry rolls off his tongue as easily as bees fly to honey, but he is stingy with his apologies with me haha.
What would you do if you were me? Did I overreact?
If you got a genuine apology, then you successfully communicated that he did something that made you feel bad. I certainly hear that as a positive story.
I don't think it's a bad thing for kids to know when they've upset us. It's up to us to roll with the punches and have a sense of humor, but there are going to be limits.
You are like my lighthouse when it comes to parenting muahaha
Keep experimenting with parenthood and use each moment as a moment to reflect, and use as a teaching moment.
They're still learning, but so are we too!
Thanks for your inputs xP Do you consciously reflect at the end of every day or is your reflection incidental - as in something else happens that make you realise something about a previous incident?
Both of these.
On the latter, we're not always able to take everything in at that teaching moment - but all is not lost.
In this time we better understand a previous teaching moment and file this away until the time is right.
Days, maybe weeks, later - we find ourselves more able to offer our wisdom in a seemingly off-the-cuff way.
Life lessons, if important, needn't be rushed.
None of us are perfect. Take one's time and relax.
I would love to exchange beers with your someday. You sound really Zen n chill