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Old Happy: "Once I achieve my goal, then I will be happy." New Happy: "I will find happiness as I work towards my goal."
There is no end goal that will make you lastingly happy. There is no promotion, no milestone, and no accolade that will magically alleviate your suffering and lead to a state of perpetual joy. Yet, because we believe what Old Happy culture teaches us, we constantly chase one goal after another, believing each one to be the solution to what ails us—a choice that only leaves happiness perpetually out of reach.
Pursuing personally meaningful goals does matter for your happiness, but not because of what happens at the end. It's because of what happens along the way: the experiences of growth, reflection, connection, purpose and love. These frequent, small experiences of joy have a far more meaningful impact on our overall well-being.
The next time you find yourself thinking, "I'll be happy when..." say these words to yourself:
"Where am I rushing to? The joy I'm looking for is right here.”