You never seem to have lived in a functioning socialist country. I have. Plenty of wealthy people in those +50% countries have no problem paying such tax. Its a hard thing to comprehend for the American mind.
Sorry if i incorrectly assume you to be American.
I agree though on the hidden tax that is inflation. Its one of the reasons i support Bitcoin. Without being libertarian. I applaud OP for coming up for his beliefs. Bitcoin is apolitical.
What about the corruption and bankers wars? If they can print trillions and trillions out of thin air backed by nothing to fund endless war, then why the heck to we need to pay tax?
I'm not American. I just put that link in there as it was the first list with shed load of tax examples that came up so I didn't have to sit there thinking of a gazillion examples of how governments screw over the little guy all day & every day of their lives. How does that saying go? Only one thing certain in life: death and taxes.