This question came to me in the midst of spring cleaning yesterday. And I had a good look at my books to determine the three books that meant the most to me. Here are my picks:
  1. “What should I do with my life” (Po Bronson)
Packed full of stories featuring characters from all walks of life who shared with Po Bronson about the life choices they made as well as the decision-making processes behind them. Do you believe in epiphanies? Should you stay on in a morally decrepit job? Should you stay on in the same job forever? Po Bronson shares his reflective insights on these questions and more.
As a bright-eyed 20+ year old who had existential angst, I derived so much comfort from understanding how others lived their lives and examining how I should live mine.
  1. “How children succeed” (Paul Tough)
Paul Tough examines why some children from tough backgrounds succeed in life and comes to the conclusion that having grit matters. Now, if you are familiar with Angela Duckworth’s work on grit, you may find that this book doesn’t feature particularly novel insights. Nonetheless, an ex-colleague from my previous workplace gifted me the book. And I always feel flattered that she regarded me highly enough to buy this for me.
  1. “What I wish I knew when I was 20” (Tina Seelig)
Don’t you love the whimsical title? So do I. Tina Seelig taught an entrepreneurial class at Stanford, so her book is about the challenges she threw her young adults - and how they rose to the occasion. It reminds me that when push comes to shove and when we are forced to work with limited time and resources, our survival instinct kicks in. Our mental gears churn furiously; we lean on each other to make the best out of a bad situation; and sometimes, we succeed beyond our wildest dreams. This book reminds me to keep fighting the good fight!
  1. The Expert at the Card Table
  2. How to Pick Pockets for Fun and Profit
  3. The Modern Con Man
Gonna need to rebuild somehow…
i have been looking for free digital versions of no 2 & 3 for quite a while… yes I am broke😂
You got your priorities right
Atlas shrugged The Sovereign Individual The Alchemist
I love Paulo Coelho‘a insightful quote-worthy words!
385 sats \ 1 reply \ @phatom 29 Jan
The Bible Joy Hymn Book Catholic Missal
I see spirituality is a big part of your life
The Lessons of History is incredibly well written. You truly learn the lessons of history. The Story of Philosophy reads the same way, but for philosophy. Definitely worth the read if your house isn't burning down.
Thanks for the endorsement !
Thanks for linking to the book covers!
None really. I can rebuy any book, but I don't have several lives.
Very logical of you lol
1.The Bible 2.My journal 3.Gemstones of the world
Cool! Do you collect gemstones as well?
Yap!I do collect gemstones.Do you?
  1. The Bible
  2. Lonesome Dove
  3. My 5 year journal I have been keeping the last 5 years
Lonesome Dove looks like a solid tale of brotherhood
check it out. it’s one of the best books in american literature. it’s beautiful, absurd, and just down right enjoyable.
Bible SAS Survival Handbook 1984
I read 1984 when I was 16 and never forgot what felt to me was revolutionary themes: elimination of independent thought, betrayal of your loved ones, surveillance state
If my house is burning down, i wouldnt grab books, i would grab my phone, my node, and hardware wallet. I can get books online for free. The only reason id bring a book is for fire starter
Good call
I'd have to keep it super practical.
Very quirky n practical combo of books
This made me laugh! I see you might be a John Waters fan.
Wow did you just go on a zapping spree for me? Thanks mate
I don't know. I like to zap when people take the time to share in the discussion and I see things that I might not discover otherwise. It's selfish.
You crack me up
I'll take my kindle with Don Quixote
I will need to read the first modern novel at some point!
You'll got tons of pleasure Miguel showed us how we all have different vision on the same objects
  • broken money
  • gradually then suddenly
  • the genesis book
I never knew there’s a book titled “gradually, then suddenly”!
Things fall apart
There was once a Country
Half of a Yellow Sun
My Thompson Chain Reference Bible. It's quite big so I'll stick to that.
Only my book with 24 special words.
The one with my seed phrase. Jk, it's not in a book. And my books are in digital form.
-Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker -The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle -Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
I’d pick my Kobo with thousands of books
The Colors of Infinity by Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon
Inventing Bitcoin by Yan Pritzker
Bitcoin: Everything divided by 21 million by Knut Svanholm
Upanishads - Swami Prabhavananda KJV Bible The American Heritage Dictionary
What do the entries in this American heritage Dictionary look like? A deep dive into Native American culture?
No. It just has etymology listings to Indo-European language.